So, as an American, I guess I have to say something of our capture and killing of Osama bin Laden. While many celebrate and should "Yay America!" I can't help but be a little weary of what happened. Okay, so Al Qaeda masterminded the whole 9/11 scheme and caused one of, if not the largest tragedies in modern American history. But I can't help but wonder if straight up killing him was the wisest solution. Sure, he may have been the Al Qaeda mastermind, but there are a few things we need to remember. First, in an organization as large as Al Qaeda there are a multitude of people in line to take his place. By killing their leader aren't we just infuriating his followers and ensuring revenge? Sure, the man we've named as our Target and the ultimate resource of terrorism is dead, but now what do we have? I'll tell you: million of pissed off terrorists. Great! Now America's terrorism warning level is code red and we can be expecting to get bombed at any given moment. Good job, troops!
In addition, do you think killing him was really the right idea? After all, didn't the members of Al Qaeda involved in the 9/11 attacks die for their cause? We're talking about a group of people who care so much about what they're trying to prove that they don't care about dying. It's not a big deal to them so long as they get their message across. What good does it do to make bin Laden a martyr? I mean, I'm no political expert (in fact I DESPISE politics) but for all of those who idolized bin Laden, his death may represent a form of inspiration to do harm. Plus, isn't this sort of an old fashioned way of doing things? We're not living in ancient Rome...."an eye for an eye" shouldn't be our philosophy on punishment. Additionally, what can we do with him now? How much information could have possibly been milked for him? Yes, I'm sure getting him to talk and give away secrets would have been nearly impossible, but, in my humble opinion, we should have at least tried. Does anyone else think it would have been wiser to keep him alive and try to get information? Maybe torture him and force him to make a video telling all his followers to stop hurting everyone? I mean, if America is out for revenge, then wouldn't that be the best possible solution? They did it with plenty of reporters that they captured, why shouldn't we have done the same? Perhaps things would be different.
Now, I am certainly no expert on politics, as I have said. In my opinion politics shouldn't be a necessary part of human society. I've always been a proponent of human nature and instinct. If people were capable of following their instinct in a fair way then we wouldn't need politics. Besides, who is to decide what is right and wrong anyways? It's those who are in power that make the rules, and those rules usually benefit the ruler. But, we're a democratic society, supposedly, so who decided to kill bin Laden? I mean, if there were a vote, I wouldn't have chosen death for him. Like I said earlier, how does that help anything?
Well, I've said my piece, but who cares what I think. I'm totally naive about politics. I prefer to be that way. I don't need some president or laws to tell me what's right or wrong. I think that as human beings we are all endowed with instincts and a visceral sense of right and wrong. If people could take a moment and think about their actions, the consequences of those actions and the effects they will have on other people then politics just wouldn't be necessary. And we wouldn't have to listen to politicians campaigning all the time because, let's face it, that's just annoying. If everyone would read a little Nietzsche every once in a while they'd know what I am saying.
I think that's enough for now. I've done my job as a citizen and addressed the latest hot news topic. But, I'm done with that for now. More interesting reading to come, I promise.
Well, if I've learned something at my Introduction to Law classes, is that politics is not here to make right things, it is here to protect the system that created itself. I think that the notion of right and wrong is different to each culture, and each person.
ReplyDeleteBut as Thomas Hobbes once said, "Homo homini lupus"/"man is wolf to man". Maybe deep down we are still "noble savages", but I don't know if now-a-days we can reach it again. Even though many still are willing to make the Good, most of us would eat each other.
Oh yes, about Bin Laden(kk), I think his death(if he is really dead) is more to satisfy a hunger for justice, or the necessity to punish someone for a crime, but in the other side, it would make the cycle of hate and revenge to continue.
Hey, remember that i told you about John Rawls, my favorite philosopher?!? When you talk about people following their instinct in a fair way it made me think about his book... I think you would like it... the name of the book is "A theory of Justice" i think is really good...